AI Voicebot and ChatBot SERVICES

Whether you already have a voicebot or ChatBot or are thinking of building a team, EIG is here to support you on the journey. We can come alongside your team to provide analysis, intent and conversational design, user testing, and training for your design and support team.

Voicebot and Chatbot Audits
If you already have an automated voicebot or chatbot, one of our EIG conversational analysts will provide an exhaustive audit of its capabilities. We will report back on the different aspects of your current user experience, including the scripting, continuity, navigability and integration of the voicebot and chatbot with the customer journey.
This is a starter package to assess your current strengths and weaknesses and plan for excellence. We are vendor neutral and support most almost all dialog designers including, Amazon Lex, Genesys Dialog Engine, Google Dialogflow, IBM Watson, Microsoft Azure Bot Framework Composer, NICE CXone and Nuance Mix.
Voicebot and Chatbot Design Training

EIG conducts widely-acclaimed conversational AI design training workshops across the US and Europe throughout the year.
In this conversational AI design workshop you will learn how to build sustained interactions that are natural but discoverable and and do not go off track.
You will also learn about the core prinicples of dialogue, including core principles of linguistics, how to structure natural conversations, how to ask questions, how to mix options and natural language, how to give just the right amount of information, and when to connect the customer to a live chat agent.
See the full EIG training workshop and conference calendar. Or if it’s more practical, contact EIG about conducting a workshop specifically for your organization.
AI Voicebot and Chatbot Conversational Design
The quality of the conversational design directly affects the success of your voicebot or chatbot.
A successful design will allow your customers to clearly understand how they can achieve their goal – leading directly to increased user satisfaction, onboarding, and repeat usage.
EIG offers a full AI dialog design service – giving you world -class conversational interaction designs that are just right for your customers and business. This includes when and how to blend open questions with closed directed prompts, and how to manage silence, under-specification, and other errors without ever saying, "I'm sorry. I didn't understand."
We will help you identify the areas where your customers will benefit from voicebot and chatbot assistance. We will then use a structured sprint design methodology to help you design and build your applications. Where appropriate, usability testing will also be conducted.
We are vendor neutral and support most almost all dialog designers including, Amazon Lex, Genesys Dialog Engine, Google Dialogflow, IBM Watson, Microsoft Azure Bot Framework Composer, NICE CXone and Nuance Mix.
Based on over twenty years of experience, the designs we create with you will reflect best conversational design practices and also address the different needs of users, reviewers, business stakeholders, programmers, and testers.
Intent Tagging and Analysis
The EIG transcription lab provides a full natural language understanding (Intent) Tagging service.
Our tagging service will design a meaning scheme (such as Intents and Entities or Slots) based on example customer sentences. These can either be from your current chat bot, or we will help you gather examples for fresh tasks.
Then we will mark-up a sample sentences (utterances) with these meaning labels . EIG can also provide custom services to help maintain your current intent schemes.

Usability Testing
Usability testing calibrates important design features with real users – catching usability problems early in the design cycle.
With this service, EIG will test your current live service or prototypes new chat topics. This will allow your customers to interact with a design “in the lab” where it’s easy to see what works (and what doesn’t) and to quickly try out alternative design ideas.
We address each project with a process that we’ve honed across hundreds of usability tests:
Develop and review a detailed test plan.
Manage the logistics of recruiting and testing with our mobile usability lab at your site or elsewhere in the world
Conduct testing using our unique, high-fidelity simulator or using your own prototype.
Deliver a concise, multi-media report of findings and recommendations
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8006 Zürich
+41 79 233-23 44 (Telefon)
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San Ramon, California 94583
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