AI Training and Tuning SERVICES

Audio Transcription
EIG provides transcription services to support the devleopment and test of spoken language grammars.
All transcription work is carried out in-house to a very high standard and specification.
We are vendor neutral and support most almost all dialog designers including, Amazon Lex, Genesys Dialog Engine, Google Dialogflow, IBM Watson, Microsoft Azure Bot Framework Composer, NICE CXone and Nuance Mix.
NLU Tagging and Analysis
The EIG transcription lab provides a full natural language understanding (NLU) Tagging service.
Our tagging service will design a meaning scheme (such as Intents and Entities or Slots) based on example customer sentences.
Then we will mark-up a corpus of sample sentences with these meaning labels . The service is typically used for preparing data for the creation of statistical semantic language (SSM) models and robust parsers but it is also useful for preparing data for tuning more constrained grammars. Projects that are optimising Voicebot or Chatbot user-interfaces may also consider using this service.
NLU Grammar Creation
EIG offers a full grammar design and build service. An experienced EIG linguist will analyse the context of any grammar and design the anticipated customer responses.
EIG supports a complete range of grammar formats from leading providers such as Nuance, including GRXML, statistical language models (SLM) robust parsing and statistical semantic models (SSMs),
In addition this service will also support the development of language models for Alexa and Google Home as well as Chatbot NLU parsers such as Omnibot.
This service is often used in conjunction with our transcription and NLU Tagging and Analysis service.
NLU Grammar Tuning
In order to get optimal performance from your speech recognition, EIG offers grammar tuning and optimisation services.
EIG supports all common formats of grammar from major suppliers such as Nuance. Examples include GRXML, statistical language models (SLMs), and statistical semantic models (SSMs).
Grammar optimisation can also be performed on NLU example-based grammars such as those used in Alexa and Google Home.
This service is often used in conjunction with our NLU Grammar Design, Transcription and NLU Tagging and Analysis service.
Weinbergstrasse 68
8006 Zürich
+41 79 233-23 44 (Telefon)
Contact EIG AG
PO Box 153
San Ramon, California 94583
1 925 518 1106 (Telephone)
1 925 215 8465 (Fax)
Contact EIG, Inc.
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